

密闭空间意识 & 操作

课程: CE.fac - 126 - 41
日期(S): MAY: 30 / JUNE: 01; 02;
时间: 周四:下午1900 - 2200pm /周六 & 周日:0800点- 1600点
联系时间: 20
学费: $300.00
类限制: 24
内容: The Awareness portion of this program is designed as the first phase and Prerequisite for the 全球赌博十大网站’s RETC Confined Space Training Series. 本系列涵盖了意识, 操作, 技师水平课程以及技术技能提升课程. The objective is to provide the students with an Awareness training levels for the Confined Space environment, 符合NFPA和密闭空间行业标准. The 操作 portion of this program is designed as the second phase of the 全球赌博十大网站’s RETC Confined Space Training Series. 本节, 本系列的, 涵盖了基本和中级密闭空间救援技能的实际操作. The 操作 program covers the requirements of NFPA along with current Confined Space Industry Standards.


日期(S): *强制取向 & 课程介绍01/20/2024 0800am *
计划日期: 活动日期-星期六 & Sunday(s): APR: 06; 07; 13; 14; 20; 21; 27; 28 / MAY: 11; 12; 18; 19
时间: 0750点- 1600点
联系时间: 180
学费: $250.00
类限制: 60
内容: 这个新项目将包括在线讲座, 视频, assignments and on-site practical evolutions to meet the competencies for certification in the State of New Jersey and Pro Board Certification. 这门课符合N.F.P.A. 1001标准为一级Accreditation. This course is designed to instruct the students on the subjects / modules required for Fire Fighter I certification. 参加课程的学生将被要求通过专业委员会的笔试, 并通过所有实用技能的测试来获得Accreditation.

需求(S): 学生需要自带午餐,(2)问责标签,经批准的个人防护装备 & 每天带备用气缸的SCBA.

先决条件: MUST be 18yrs of 年龄; CPR Certified; AND provide a physical form by an approved healthcare provider.

火灾调查 & 现场保护

课程: CE.fac - 052 - 51
日期(S): : 4月29日;
时间: 晚上19点至22点
联系时间: 3
学费: $50.00
类限制: 35
内容: This program will consist of a current PowerPoint presentation in culmination with open dialog between the students and the Instructor. The students will learn the importance of the observations and the actions taken by all first responders. 将讨论真实案例的经验教训. This program is extremely important to those who wish to further their position within the emergency services.

软管,喷嘴,电器 & 理解心流(杜博曼语)

课程: CE.fac - 123 - 51
日期(S): June: 07; 08
时间: 周五下午1800 -2200 /周六上午800 -1600
联系时间: 12
学费: $150
类限制: 40
内容: This course has been developed to provide the new (or) seasoned pump operator with a refresher on the knowledge and skills to complete the varied tasks necessary on an emergency scene. 模块将回顾不同类型的软管, 消防部门目前使用的喷嘴和器具. 学生将了解不同的压力, 设备的使用和与每种设备相关的比较. Students will learn about flow meters and the newer technology available on how to test the pressure of pre-connect lines of various sizes.本课程将继续运用课堂上所学的原理进行实地练习.

事故管理I-300 (DiGenni)

课程: CE.fac - 027 - 41
日期(S): April: 06; 13; 14
时间: 0800点- 1600点
联系时间: 24
学费: $100.00
类限制: 30
内容: 学生将学习事件管理系统中的其他模块. 将涵盖各种主题,包括人员配备水平, 组织活动, 以及资源管理员的职责是什么. 除了, 将审查有关工作人员职位和控制范围的问题, 以及所有重大事故所需的文件. Attending students will also be required to work in group sessions being assigned emergency incidents to command in table-top scenarios.

需求(S): Students MUST provide documentation that they completed I-200 (In-Person) after the 2019 update or they will NOT BE ELIGIBLE for the course.

先决条件: NJ事件管理I-200;


课程: CE.fac - 116 - 51
日期(S): June: 14; 15;
时间: 星期五:下午18时至22时/星期六:上午8时至16时
联系时间: 12
学费: $150
类限制: 24
内容: A large area search is a search where a team is entering a fire building to do a primary or secondary search under arduous conditions because of a known life hazard. This type of search is used in a building that does not require a wide-open-area search or a patterned search. 相反,这种类型的搜索使用绳索来确保和控制火灾区域的出口点. 建筑类型包括办公楼, apartment houses with long hallways or stores with aisles that have stock and merchandise in place. This class will teach and demonstrate different ways on how to effectively accomplish a large area search task.

需求(S): 全套PPE, SCBA和备用气瓶.


日期(S): 星期二,2024年4月9日
时间: 下午1800 - 2100
联系时间: 4
学费: $50.00
类限制: 25
内容: 锂离子电池供电的设备——比如手机, 笔记本电脑, 牙刷, 电动工具, 电动汽车和踏板车——正在全球部署. 尽管锂离子电池有很多优点, 一个重要的安全缺陷是这些电池可能过热, 着火, 引起爆炸. 涉及各种锂离子电池产品的火灾以惊人的速度增加, 造成大量伤亡. 即使火灾的最初原因不是锂离子供电设备, 这些电池的参与可能会增加火灾的强度和规模.

在这个短期课程中, 我们将学习电池结构, 可以找到它们的位置, 不同的危害, 减排技术, 预防技术, 清理干净.

NJ事故管理I-200 (DiGenni)

课程: CE.fac - 051 - 41
日期(S): June: 01; 02
时间: 0800点- 1600点
联系时间: 16
学费: $50.00
类限制: 30
内容: 学生将认识到需要有效管理技术的法律和标准, 团结的需要, 指挥系统和正确的指挥权移交. 附加指令将包括控制范围, 人员问责, 以及如何使用突发事件行动计划. 全球赌博十大网站单一资源开发的讨论, task force and strike team use will assist the student in successfully accomplishing the assignment under their command.


课程: CE.fac - 049 - 51
日期(S): May: 07; 09; 14; 16; 21; 23
时间: 周二 & 周四(s): 1800点- 2200点
联系时间: 24
学费: $300
类限制: 24
内容: This (24) hour hands-on program will consist of students placed into groups and given assignments of various rescue scenarios. 学生将需要从模拟问题中移除倒下的消防员, 强调人身安全. Various techniques of rescue operations will be presented to the students during the exterior evolutions.

需求(S): 学生需要穿戴经批准的个人防护装备 & 带备用气缸的SCBA.

R.I.C. 响应(Dobleman)

日期(S): May: 07; 09; 14; 16; 21; 23
时间: 周二 & 周四(s): 1800点- 2200点
联系时间: 24
学费: $300.00
类限制: 24
内容: This (24) hour hands-on program will consist of students placed into groups and given assignments of various rescue scenarios. 学生将需要从模拟问题中移除倒下的消防员, 强调人身安全. Various techniques of rescue operations will be presented to the students during the exterior evolutions.

需求(S): 学生需要穿戴经批准的个人防护装备 & 带备用气缸的SCBA.

绳索救援意识 & 操作(Tharp)

日期(S): JUNE: 17; 18; 19; 20
时间: 0800点- 1700点
联系时间: 40
学费: $325.00
类限制: 24
内容: The Awareness portion of this program is designed as the first phase and Prerequisite for the 全球赌博十大网站’s RETC Rope Rescue Training Series. 本系列涵盖了意识, 操作, 技师水平课程以及技术技能提升课程. The objective is to provide the students with an Awareness training levels for the Rope Rescue environment, 根据NFPA和绳索救援行业标准. 本课程的操作部分,正式称为Rope I&II, is designed as the second phase of the 全球赌博十大网站’s RETC Rope Rescue Training Series. 本节, 本系列的, 涵盖了基本和中级绳索救援技能的动手操作. The 操作 program covers the requirements of NFPA along with current Rope Rescue Industry Standards and was previously offered as two separate sections; Rope 1 and Rope 2.


日期(S): MAY: 03; 04; 05
时间: 星期五下午1900 -2200 /星期六 & 周日0800点- 1600点
联系时间: 19
学费: $125
类限制: 24
内容: 本课程旨在培养个人成为公司主管, 并提高现有警务人员的技能. 这门课是讲座的结合, 学生活动和模拟实践演变, 重点是消防员安全和关键决策. Students will have the opportunity to interact with a simulated dispatcher to provide initial size-up and follow-up reports on radio. 在上课的最后一天, students will have the opportunity to supervise a crew of firefighters and direct their actions on a variety of simulated emergency situations.
需求(S): 学生需要自带午餐. 周日需要使用经批准的PPE. 不需要SCBA.
先决条件: 消防人员负责监督.


课程: CE.fac - 020 - 41
日期(S): May: 31; June: 01
时间: 星期五:下午19时至22时/星期六:上午8时至16时
联系时间: 12
学费: $150.00
类限制: 24
内容: This program will consist of a classroom lecture and "Hands-On" sessions reviewing the fundamentals of basic truck company operations. 涉及的主题包括, 设备位置, 航空业务, 以及人员在每次事件中所面临的战术考虑. 学生们将进行使用地面梯的练习, 与标准操作相关的航拍设备和工具.

需求(S): 学生需要自带午餐,并穿戴经批准的个人防护装备 & 带备用气缸的SCBA. 学生必须身体健康.

车辆救援I (D'Alonzo)

课程: CE.fac - 025 - 41
日期(S): MAY: 02; 04; 05;
时间: 周四下午1900 - 2200pm /周六 & 周日0800点- 1600点
联系时间: 20
学费: $300.00
类限制: 35
内容: 这个19小时的课程将包括全球赌博十大网站第一反应者角色的讲座, EMS和各种救援工具. Students will review the principles of removing victims from wrecks and how vehicle construction is changing, 使这个过程更加困难. The Sunday session will consist of hands on field evolutions using various rescue tools 给 the participant the skills and knowledge needed to operate safely.

理解吸烟 & 火的行为(杜伯曼)

课程: CE.fac - 115 - 51
日期(S): 阿美:06;
时间: 下午1800 - 2200
联系时间: 4
学费: $50.00
类限制: 24
内容: This class is great for anyone new in the fire service to obtain a better understanding on how to read smoke based on a few core concepts. 解读烟雾对于确保做出正确的决策至关重要. This skill is as important to the fire attack team at the front door as it is to the incident commander (IC) at the command post. This class will provide classroom lecture with a live fire demonstration to bring it all together.